Princess Kate is renowned for her chic taste and is rarely spotted without show stopping jewellery. The 42-year-old has access to some of the finest...
Back in 1959, John Wayne teamed up with his longtime collaborator and fellow Hollywood conservative John Ford on what would be the filmmaker’s only full...
Seasalt Cornwall customers are lavishing praise on a knitwear item they’ve dubbed the ‘perfect winter jumper’, now available at a pre-Christmas markdown. The Percella Cove...
The Duchess Sophie is renowned for her impeccable taste and timeless style. The 59-year-old prefers soft hues and simple tones during the winter, so it...
Bruce Dern struggled to find acting jobs after co-starring opposite John Wayne in The Cowboys. His troubles began even before filming on the 1972 Western...
The nation’s favourite Christmas film of all time has been revealed thanks to a new nationwide survey. Festive classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, Love...